I recently stumbled on the new blog called “Ronna Russell – Preacher’s Kid“. Her posts about her life as a child and young adult, living…
I mentioned in a previous post that I was curious to read of other Liberty University graduates (alumni) who had left the faith — Liberty…
This is a continuation from the previous post entitled Hard Questions about God that I Wished Someone had Asked Me Earlier. The Bible:* If God’s…
For most of my life, I intentionally avoided hard questions about the Christian faith. I rationalized and compartmentalized. I routinely threw my hands up figuring…
I have enjoyed reading many of the ex-Christian testimonies on the new.exchristian.net website. Admittedly, some are more interesting than others and/or I can relate to…
This is a brief video clip — an excerpt of an interview of Stephen Fry by Gay Byrne. Fry, a well known British atheist, is…
I have a close friend that I’ve known since 1988. We met when I got a job at the same computer store he was working…
In August of last year (2014), Pastor Josh Feuerstein put up a $100,000 challenge to anyone who could prove that God doesn’t exist. Seth Andrews,…
Growing up, history was one of my least favorite subjects in school. Maybe it was the dull uninspiring teachers who seemed to drone on with dates,…
Nate wrote a post recently called Pandora’s Box on his blog Finding Truth, that truly resonated with me. His post began with, “The other day I started…