Scams and phishing attempts sent by text messaging are super-annoying. When I have time, I will happily expose them to help others avoid risk. A recent scam came from phone number 252-597-5839 and purports to be from DCCU, indicating an automatic debit is about to happen for an e-Bill. In my example, they indicated $529.62 but I’m sure this amount might vary from time to time, as will the phone number being used.
I’ll include a screenshot below.

The website link listed is definitely bogus and should not be visited. And it’s hard to say which org the scammer is trying to represent as DCCU can be an acronym for several credit unions in the United States.
I’d love to believe that nobody falls for this sort of scam. But unfortunately, people will open links to potentially malicious websites all the time out of fear that it’s a legitimate charge that might be incurring.