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Why are there Ads on this Site?

When I started this site in April 2014, I hosted with — an inexpensive option when starting a blog. Typically, you just have an annual domain name registration fee with that arrangement. A few years later, I went to a self-hosted plan using Bluehost as the provider. They’ve been a great host, but my annual costs were now well over $100.

Since I work in the IT field with an emphasis on caring for my employer’s website, I have enjoyed getting to know the WordPress platform with the ability to install add-ons, widgets and learn more about advertising, affiliate sales and SEO (search engine optimization).

Do I Make Any Money from this Website?

As of February 2020, I have not made a dime from my blog here. I have spent hundreds of dollars in domain and hosting fees over the years, but I have never received any ad revenue or affiliate sale monies. That’s not my goal. But I would love to try and at least offset some of the costs to keep my blog.

So you will see some ads from Google adsense on the site. Google has a minimum payout threshold which I’ve never reached. I question if I ever will! But I wanted to explain why I there are ads on this site.