I stumbled onto Ronna Russell’s blog several years ago and was immediately captivated. While I didn’t share in the adventure of being a preacher’s kid, there was much I could still relate to as a fellow Ex-Christian. Her stories have a raw honesty and openness that immediately draw you in. I joined a chorus of Ex-Christian bloggers to encourage her to write a book, and I know I’m not alone in being delighted to see it arrive.
That intimate vulnerable honesty grabs you quickly by the genitalia in the first chapter as she unfolds her story of sexual awakening with Vlad – a lover she met online. I immediately wondered to myself while reading – how many of us have yet to admit that we turned to Craigslist personals in the past for a physical connection? (raises hand)
Ronna lays herself bare in 17 chapters that are easy to read and hard to put down. It’s unusual but truly refreshing to have someone willingly be so vulnerable. Her memoir is jaw dropping, astonishing and bitter sweet. It’s heart breaking and triumphant. And more than anything, it’s worth your time and shekels to buy and read. I promise it will be a story you won’t forget.
Thank you. Thank you so much. If you can believe it-I didn’t tell everything.
Thank you for having the courage to write your story. For the sake of helping other victims, you might approach religious recovery groups about making your book available to those they are trying to reach out to. For example, Recovering From Religion is an international non-profit that maintains a resource list of books and materials for those seeking help. (See Bill Bergen, resource curator at http://www.recoveringfromreligion.org). I am also aware that many therapists make recommendations to clients who are in treatment for life traumas resulting from religious abuse. Your story has real value to those of us who envision we are alone in our pain and shame.
Thank you so much for the resource. I will check them out.
I emailed Mr. Bergen so we’ll see! Thanks again!
Way to go! Good luck with that. Bill Bergen is new to the job. Gayle Jordan is Executive Director. She is a sweetheart. Very sharp lady who is quite approachable. Don’t hesitate to send her a copy of your book. I believe the executive office is in Tennessee and not in KC as indicated. Gayle is a recovered Southern Baptist. BTW, I am recovering from fundamentalism (Baptist preacher’s kid). I am writing my story but only for myself. Revisiting the past can be gut wrenching, as you well know.