All first time comments are moderated. I will do our best to approve a first time comment in a timely manner.
All users need to use a functioning email address. The use of a fake or non-functioning email address will result in your comment being deleted. Pseudonyms are permitted.
I write about issues that might not be child-friendly. Please be aware. I also use profanity from time to time and I allow the use of profanity in the comment section.
I reserve the right to approve or not approve any comment. When a comment or a commenter is abusive towards me or the community of people who read this blog, I reserve the right to ban the commenter.
If you can be respectful, decent and thoughtful, your comment will always be approved. Unfortunately, there are many people, Evangelical/Fundamentalist Christians in particular, who have a hard time playing well with others. Frank, honest, open discussion about religion, Christianity, and Evangelicalism is encouraged and welcome. I do ask atheists to refrain my attacking people who still believe in God.
My writing can be direct and pointed at times, and my response to comments can be that way too. Please do not confuse my directness and pointedness with me attacking you. This is a grown-up blog, so crying that I offended you will fall on deaf ears. Ideas and philosophies should be scrutinized and debated.
Can I ask you some wordpress questions? I would like to reformat my blog. You can email me directly at [redacted].
Hi 43 Alley. I ran into your Youtube videos. Love what you are doing. Your style is pretty awesome – understanding, easy to understand, and seemingly much more gentler than some other atheists. Keep up the great work, and thank you!
Hey. I’m a big fan of your YouTube videos. I’m 47, father of 2, raised in The South. Forced to go to church my whole childhood. Many things sounded fishy, even as a kid. I’m just getting to the point of being comfortable with dumping the whole idea of organized religion. I am interested in hearing how you discuss that with family members who aren’t of the same mind. Would love to email you some questions if that’s an option.
I’m struggling to download the Nov. 2023 version of your check book register. It is amazing and just what I’m looking for. I have subscribed and liked everywhere I can. Could you offer some suggestions/help? Thanks to you!
Hi there, let’s see if either of these two links might work for you?
Here’s the macro version (recommended):
P.S. There’s a newer versions I am working on that will have an improved reconciliation feature that will be released in January.
If those previous links don’t work, let me know and I can also try and put them both in a ZIP file to send to you.